
A second attempt with Blogger. (Now No Longer in Beta) Note: The contents of these pages are my own personal views and in no way represent the views of the agencies for which I volunteer or the countries in which they are based. Peace.

Cyber Foot in the Door

Wondering how the application SuperFeed on Facebook trying to force me to learn who has a crush on me is different from cyber bullying, which supposedly is now illegal.

Posted via email from jcwinnie's posterous

If Reichminister Erlich and The Maryland State Police Didn't Like You

"I think police anti-terrorism units are a good thing."

Emily, Emily, Emily, the Maryland Stadt Polizei was
other than Magnum Force and you are now on our list.

"Oh, never mind. Really, don't go to any trouble on my account."

Posted via email from jcwinnie's posterous

8 years of Bush have left us with #tweme

8 years of Bush have left us desperately fighting to save the planet 
from “catastrophic” 5-7°C warming by 2100, but now with
much less time.

8 years of Bush have left us with much higher global emissions, and a
lost decade of inefficient, polluting infrastructure built at a cost
of many trillions of dollars &#8212.

For more, see “Climate Progress Person(s) of the Year“.

Thanks & a tip of another tipping point or two to Professor Joe.

Posted via email from jcwinnie's posterous

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